Are You Ready for a Dog?
Wet puppy kisses, thrilling games of fetch, and adorable Instagram photos—these are the images that come to mind when many people envision adding a dog to their lives. These perks are indeed among the best parts of having a canine companion, but make sure you don't let them blind you to the not-so-great parts of pet ownership. Becoming a dog owner also comes with puppy messes, many hours of training, and added expenses for everything from quality pet food to preventive veterinary care.
So how do you know if you're ready for a dog? Begin by deciding if you're willing to take on the worst parts of the job.
As Bad as it Gets
Let's face it: cleaning a urine-stained
carpet can make you feel more like a dog's servant than its owner. Also, be
prepared for your dog to occasionally throw his cookies. Although vomiting is
not a part of daily life for pet owners, you will experience it, often in the
middle of the night, when you are not wearing slippers.
Next, imagine your favorite pair of shoes is in your dog's mouth. Tell the
truth: Did you shudder a little when you read that sentence? Although most dogs
can be trained not to chew on their owner's furniture, your pet will inevitably
destroy at least one of your most valuable possessions. Can you still focus on
those sweet puppy kisses? If possible, you're probably ready to move on to
other considerations.
Time and Money
You certainly don't need to work from home to
properly care for your dog, but you do need to be present enough to get any
important work done. This includes feeding and walking your pet as well as
simply spending time with them. Dogs are very social animals. Many owners use
doggy day care services to help them, but if your pet spends more time with the
day care provider than you do, you may have to wait to get the dog until his or
her schedule is over. you are less busy.
You should also take the time to factor dog care costs into your budget. In
addition to the cost of buying a pet, owning a dog also means having to buy
many items. After your first visit to the pet supply store, you may want to
consider purchasing from the company. If you choose a long-haired dog and you
don't have the time or knowledge to groom it properly, it will also need to see
a groomer regularly.
The Good News
If you have made it this far without being dissuaded, chances are you are ready to become a dog owner. The good news is that many rewarding experiences await you. Whether you plan to purchase a puppy or adopt an adult dog, you are about to change an animal's life even more than your own. Take the time you need to make the best choice for you both.
You may be ready for an older dog who is fully housetrained and has passed the teething phase, but you might not be prepared to take on a young pup. Lacking time or patience does not make you a bad person; you simply need to assess your situation honestly so you can enjoy those doggy kisses with no regrets.
Tammy Gagne is a freelance writer who specializes in the health and behavior of companion animals. A two-time Dog Writers Association of America writing competition nominee, she has written more than pet care books for adults and children. She lives in New England with her husband, son, and myriad furry and feathered creatures.